Normal People

By Sally Rooney

Another highly touted book that came up short for me. Connell and Marianne go to school together and form a bond there that carries over the rest of their young formative years.
I did not like the way it was written without punctuation and grammar. I find books like that hard to read.

There were elements of the characters I liked. I found Marianne to be confusing which I think was the author’s point but as her character as it developed didn’t make sense to me.

Another book I probably wouldn’t recommend but I know some people that have enjoyed it.

Our Stop

By Laura Jane Williams

I thought this was a really cute read. I enjoy the Kindle books you can get for such a great price. I got this for $2.50 on the Kindle store.
I like mixing up my reading between traditional books and ebooks.

Daniel and Nadia are both professionals that live in London. They both catch the same train in the morning (when Nadia wakes up early enough!) They keep missing each other until Daniel sends her a message in the newspaper to the anonymous girl he admires on the train.

Very sweet read and well written. I would recommend to anyone that feels like a light read.

Such A Fun Age

By Kiley Reid

What an interesting book. I have to say considering all the reviews, I thought this book would be different to what it was. I really liked the characters of Emira and Briar and their relationship and how that developed over the story but that is about it.
I thought the first 5 chapters of the book were really strong and then the character development of Alix, Peter and Kelley did not make sense to me.

Perhaps I’m missing something others are reading because I would be reluctant to recommend this to others. I think I’m the only person that did not love this.

An American Marriage

By Tayari Jones

I thought this book was really great.

Roy and Celestial have been married for a year when they decide to take an unexpected journey. While doing this Roy gets accused of a crime and their world as they know it changes forever.

This was a compelling read made up of letters between key characters as well as switching points of view. I thought the author did an excellent job of discussing class, race, the American justice system and how all these factors effect Roy and Celestial’s marriage.

Would recommend!

Where The Crawdads Sing

By Delia Owens

Kya has lived in the marshlands all her life. She knows the area like the back of her hand and has been able to live a lonely life appreciate the natural beauty around her.

This story demonstrates someone that has tried to thrive despite an auspicious to life and she seems to have settled back into solitary life after some disappointments until something happens… The author has such a way of making you feel like you are in North Carolina in the 50’s observing Kay’s life from afar.
I would really recommend this book.

The Nancys

By R.W.R McDonald

Tippy is eleven years old and lives in a small town in New Zealand. After some personal experience with tragedy, Tippy becomes extremely interested in Nancy Drew novels and uses them to help reflect her current situation.

I really liked this book – the premise was really interesting and was a very different story than I had come across before.

Red, White and Royal Blue

This book was one of those books that I was not sure what I was expecting that this was not it. I loved it even more because of the story I was not expecting.
Alex and Henry are both in extremely public roles and still getting to know who they are. As they get to know each other, the relationship deepens and catches them and others by surprise.

I thought this was a great book especially from a debut novelist!

I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading!

— Jane Austen

This is to document and share all the books that I am reading. I believe that is a story shared is a story lived and I would love to share my thoughts on the stories I read with you. If you would like to contact me please email:

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I am here to talk about all the books. I read pretty much more than anyone I know and I believe that if there is one thing I can talk about, it’s books. I am hoping to build a community through discussing our favourite reads and recommending them onto others. Look forward to getting to know you all! If you would like to get in touch with me please contact me on: