When You’re Older

By Sofie Laguna

Illustrated by Judy Watson

Story 📖

I picked up this book as many of the children I teach are having or just had small siblings come into their lives and I am always looking for literature that helps support children Roth the transition of becoming an older sibling.

This book is written from the point of view of the older brother as the protagonist and he is talking to his new baby brother. He describes how one day him and his brother will take a wooden boat out on the ocean, they will read books by starlight and they will collect seashells on the shore.

It is a beautiful ode to all the adventures that the older sibling is planning on sharing with his baby brother.

Summary 📖

This book is simply magic. The words and the illustrations evoke the excitement and innocence of childhood and makes the reader excited to hear all the things the baby brother will get to experience with his older sibling.

It also encourages a young reader to have patience with a younger sibling and helping them to understand that the baby has to grow into these adventures.

Suggestion 📖

This has been such a popular book with the preschool children and this book has such a lovely message that really resonated with the young readers in my class. This book would be lovely for young readers aged 2-6 years and particularly those expecting a sibling soon. I am glad it is in my classroom library.

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