Verona Comics

By Jennifer Dugan

I often pick books based off their covers (particularly in the YA genre) the covers are often so beautiful and this one caught my eye @kinokuniya_sydney books a few weeks ago.

Story ๐Ÿ“–

Jubilee is a smart, strong teenage girl who has two loving mothers, a love of comics and is an amazing cellist. Ridley is a teenage boy without much confidence, comes from a wealthy family however has a lot of mental health challenges. When they meet by happenstance, it is the start of a beautiful friendship and one that might just change both of their lives forever.

Summary ๐Ÿ“–

I really love the YA genre these days and how it looks to be representative of the teenage experience but also lots of teenage experiences.

Ridley and Jubilee and the building of their relationship was so heartwarming and although it isnโ€™t all smooth sailing, itโ€™s nice to see people with different challenges represent in a really lovely read.

Suggestion ๐Ÿ“–

I really liked this and if you like YA that has themes such as LGBTQI, mental health, teenage love and friendship I think you will really enjoy this one. I also just love the beautiful cover and it did not let me down.

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