The Bushfire Book

By Polly Marsden

Illustrated by Chris Nixon

Thank you to @hachetteaus for sending this book to me for an honest read and review.

Story 📖

I thought this book was really incredible. As an early childhood teacher, I have always been a huge advocate for using literature to help have ‘real’ conversations with children about ‘real’ topics and this book hits the brief perfectly.

In this book it discusses concepts such as drought, the climate in Australia and how the extreme weather that we suffer can lead to bushfires.

We had our worst ever bushfires earlier in 2020 with a huge proportion of Australia either at risk or in an active bushfire zone and this book is amazing to help young children understand what we need to do to prepare.

It covers the anxiety that bushfires cause in everyone and advocates for everyone understand that facts lead to us making smart decisions.

It covers the elements that a bushfire needs to become a bushfire (fuel, heat and oxygen) and who is helping us to make smart survival decisions.

It helps debunk any myths or fear around the bushfire and helps to discuss what children can do to help with their family, school or early learning centre’s bushfire plan.

Summary 📖

This is genuinely one of the best factual texts for young children I have ever come across.

The illustrations are child friendly, it helps alleviate anxiety around a scary topic by giving facts and it is in very simple and easy to understand language.

The way that it acknowledges that this is a scary topic but also helps to give ideas of how the child can help contribute is fantastic.

Suggestion 📖

I truly believe this is a must have resource in every early learning environment. I would also recommend for the infants age in primary school as the language and layout is so age appropriate.

This book is perfect for young readers aged 3-8 years and would recommend it for all young children’a library. It’s a must have.

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