Heart Bones

By Colleen Hoover

Story 📖

Beyah has got to get out of this town. After growing up with an addict mother, being hungry and needing to do unpleasant things to survive – Beyah after a trauma has the opportunity to escape Kentucky and the trailer park she grew up in and goes to visit her dad and his new family in Texas.

While arriving in Texas, Beyah meets Samson. A rich playboy that seems to have the world at his fingertips…but is anything ever what it seems?

Summary 📖

I am always a huge fan of Colleen Hoover and usually find her books riveting but I have to admit this one fell short for me. I liked the characters and the overall idea of the book but the pace of the story fell short for me.

Will be interested to see what other reviews are on this one. Definitely not her best but she is still such a brilliant writer that it is still enjoyable.

Suggestion 📖

For anyone that likes Colleen and her novels, I’ll be very interested to hear what you think!

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